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About Me

I am a UH development writer who ventured into the research enterprise for a year and a half. I’ve written proposals that went on to fund the Brene Brown Endowed Professorship ($2 million) and the HPE Data Science Institute ($10 million) at the University of Houston. As a research writer, I maintain a monthly blog and e-communications send, several e-newsletters and write for the UH Magazine, as well as the Division of Research magazine. Perhaps one of the projects I’m most proud of is the Research Reaching Houston website, which features over 80 stories I collected concerning UH faculty and their research that impacts Houston directly.

My Mission Statement

My self-starter work ethic and extroverted personality make me a perfect team player. I take constructive criticism well and have learned to pivot on a moment’s notice if need be. I am known for turning in exactly what is expected by my editors, well-ahead of schedule, but I also

creatively interpret pitches, which makes for interesting articles. For instance, a recent article I was assigned regarding “the new 8-5” was meant to be a piece exploring what the pandemic has taught us about working remotely. I did some research, made a few inquiries and was able to turn

in an article about the 27-minute commute that is regularly tolerated by people since the age of the horse-drawn cart. The article emphasized the need to rethink the typical workday, but also posited that routines were valuable. I went on to describe our home selves versus our work selves

as “dopplegangers.”

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